Monday, August 13, 2012

One month Post Op

So far things are going good for Solana; PRASIE GOD! She got the ok to swim two weeks ago, so she’s been swimming at school and we’ve been taking her to the pool on the weekends – trying to jam pack summer into the last few weeks. One thing we have noticed is that the incision area has been become increasingly pink. We are not sure if this is related to swimming, perhaps it is irritating it. I emailed the Dr. but he is on vacation, so we’ll have to wait for his reply. We don’t have any real concerns right now. She is doing great and her hair is growing in. I worry sometimes that her hair might hide a problem underneath so I check her head every day when we get home. Today she had two little puss pockets that I drained and put hydrogen peroxide on. I’m hoping my diligence will help her once this is really all healed, probably in a few months or so.