Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One Year Post Op

It has been a year since her surgery. We really cannot believe it. I remember during the process I could not wait for it to be over and for her to be healed and now it’s a year later! She is doing wonderful! She has confidence and does not wear her hat ever, except when I make her. J When she will be out in the sun for extended periods of time I have her wear a hat to protect that area from sunburn. She will start kindergarten next month and we are so happy that her scars are mostly hidden and that she will feel “normal” amongst a new set of peers. Again, we are so blessed for the success of her surgery and for the genuine kindness and expertise Dr. Kane extended to our family. She will have additional surgeries, hopefully just one more, in a couple of years. We will probably do it over a summer so it does not disrupt her schooling. Most likely the plan will be to put in a small expander in her forehead and another under her hair to cover the area that still contains scarring.

I asked her the other day if she remembers what happened that day (of the accident) and her response was “I don’t remember what happened, but I know the story.” A part of me is glad to know that she does not remember. What I do hope she remembers is the extraordinary people we have met along the way, the courageous spirit she continues to carry and the unfailing love of our Heavenly Father.

God bless.