Sunday, July 29, 2012

2 ½ Weeks Post Op

On 7/20, Solana had her first post op checkup and the Dr. said Solana looks great. (Thank the Lord!) We were very happy to hear that! We had started to notice her skin changing colors as it heals and the dissolvable stitches start to dissolve. I noticed specifically in an area that looked like it may be puss, but the Dr. checked it out and said it was not – it was just part of the skin. Because it started to increase in the days after our appointment I decided to (once a day) put a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on the area to help keep it clean. For the most part it is all gone now and the stitches have almost dissolved completely in that area. I still keep the stitches moist with Neosporin as the Dr. said this would help the stitches dissolve quicker and to help protect again infection. I will probably stop once all the stitches have come out. I would estimate there are still about 45% of the stitches still in place.

She was upset at me = the reason for the “mean” face

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