Monday, July 9, 2012

Tomorrow is the big day!

We had a small scare today. Solana was not feeling so hot yesterday. She had some minor congestion, little appetite and more tired than normal. When she went to bed she had a low grade fever (99.5 underarm). Thankfully during the night she felt cool and although she had a little congestion this morning, which cleared up almost upon her waking up, she has been her outgoing silly self all day. I advised the doctor of all of this and was not sure if the surgery would be postponed due to “illness.” Her health and safety is our first priority. He confirmed this evening we are still on for tomorrow, but Anesthesiology will have the final say in if they put her under. So, we are preparing and praying for tomorrow.

                                     Left expander is at 327 cc and right expander is at 329 cc

                                                               Downward View

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