Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fiftieth Filling

Today we decided to only fill the left expander, for a couple of reasons. The skin around the expanders is clearly becoming thinner and has us a little concerned. Solana was standing by a window yesterday and the sun was shining through and we could see the expanders; they appeared to glow red. It was rather strange to see.

The great news is that the right expander made it to 300 cc, which to be honest I was not sure would happen. Praise God. Because the left expander is still behind “goal” we decided to fill that one this evening to help close the gap between the two. We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so I will discuss our concerns about the thinning with the surgeon and see what he says. It may be that we stop filling and just wait for the surgery date or we will continue filling.

Left expander is at 292 cc and right expander is at 304 cc

Downward View

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