Saturday, June 2, 2012

Twenty Eighth Filling

We had our weekly doctor’s appointment yesterday. The doctor said Solana looks like the poster child for tissue expanders (meaning things look great). Only by God’s grace are things looking so well. My husband and I are so grateful. Her expanders/skin are tight so we’re officially approaching the end of this process. If we continue at this pace we should be at our goal in 3-4 weeks. The doctor said he doesn’t want her skin to be too tight when the expanders are removed so we are paying attention to that and he suggested we possibly skip a day each week, for a weekly total of 30 ml. So we skipped yesterday to give her a break and resumed today.

                                        Left expander at 180 cc and the right expander at 199 cc
                             (She started making silly faces when I take pictures of the expanders)

                                                                         Downward View

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