Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thirty Eight Filling

The doctor was on vacation last week so we did not see him until today. He said everything looks good so far. We are getting prepared to put Solana on the surgery schedule to have the expanders removed. (The date has not been scheduled yet). He said that we currently have two times the amount of skin needed to cover her bald area BUT it is recommended that they have two and a half times the amount of skin needed for it to be successful. He said essentially if we did surgery right now we would cover “most of the area” but not all of it. That was really disappointing for us to hear, but we understand those are the facts. He suggested since things are going so well for her that we continue expanding at the current rate and hope we get to 2.5 the amount of skin needed and schedule her surgery for a few weeks from now. We agreed. So, that is currently where we are at. We are going to continue expanding at 5 cc per day and will pray the Lord will continue to bless Solana during this process. We are acutely aware that her progressing so well is not to our doing, but only because God is shining His grace on our family.

Left expander is at 230 cc and right expander is at 249 cc

                                                                  Downward View

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