Saturday, June 16, 2012

Surgery Date Scheduled!

Today was her fortieth filling, but we also got her final surgery date scheduled, where they will remove her expanders and place the stretched out skin in place of the grafted skin she has right now. The date is a few weeks passed what we anticipated, but my husband and I have prayed heavily about the date being scheduled (which took a few days on behalf of the hospital) and believe that its perhaps a blessing the date is a few weeks away. Since we do not have the 2.5 skin we need, our plan is to continue to expand at the rate we have been and she will go in on Tuesday July 10, 2012 to have them removed. We continue to pray for the Lord’s blessing and guidance in this situation.

Left expander is at 242 cc and right expander is at 259 cc

Downward View

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