Thursday, June 28, 2012


Tonight, both expanders are past our goal of 300 cc.

The left expander is at 302 cc and the right is at 304 cc

                                                                     Downward View

Fifty First Filling

The visit with the surgeon yesterday went well. He said everything looks good and we can continue expanding up until her surgery date. He said it was really up to us; basically that he trust our decision on to continue or not. So, we play it by ear and make a decision daily. Today we decided to expand only the right expander again and left the left side alone.

Solana is still in good spirits, just like she has been throughout this whole process. I explained to her that the “balloons” are coming out soon and she is looking forward to the popsicles and ice cream she gets to eat after the surgery.

The left expander is at 297 cc and the right is at 304 cc

Downward View

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fiftieth Filling

Today we decided to only fill the left expander, for a couple of reasons. The skin around the expanders is clearly becoming thinner and has us a little concerned. Solana was standing by a window yesterday and the sun was shining through and we could see the expanders; they appeared to glow red. It was rather strange to see.

The great news is that the right expander made it to 300 cc, which to be honest I was not sure would happen. Praise God. Because the left expander is still behind “goal” we decided to fill that one this evening to help close the gap between the two. We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so I will discuss our concerns about the thinning with the surgeon and see what he says. It may be that we stop filling and just wait for the surgery date or we will continue filling.

Left expander is at 292 cc and right expander is at 304 cc

Downward View

Forty Ninth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

Left expander is at 287 cc and right expander is at 304 cc

                                                                         Downward View

Forty Eighth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                     Left expander is at 282 cc and right expander is at 299 cc

Downward View

Forty Seventh Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                     Left expander is at 277 cc and right expander is at 294 cc

                                                              Downward View

Forty Sixth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                         Left expander is at 272 cc and right expander is at 289 cc

                                                                        Downward View

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Forty Fifth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                   Left expander is at 267 cc and right expander is at 284 cc

                                                                  Downward View

Forty Fourth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

Left expander is at 262 cc and right expander is at 279 cc

                                                                 Downward View

Forty Third Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

Left expander is at 257 cc and right expander is at 274

                                                                   Downward View

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Forty Second Filling

No news to report, just pictures.

Left expander is at 252 cc and right expander is at 269 cc

Downward View

Forty First Filling

No news to report, just pictures.

Left expander is at 247 cc and right expander is at 264 cc

Downward View

Surgery Date Scheduled!

Today was her fortieth filling, but we also got her final surgery date scheduled, where they will remove her expanders and place the stretched out skin in place of the grafted skin she has right now. The date is a few weeks passed what we anticipated, but my husband and I have prayed heavily about the date being scheduled (which took a few days on behalf of the hospital) and believe that its perhaps a blessing the date is a few weeks away. Since we do not have the 2.5 skin we need, our plan is to continue to expand at the rate we have been and she will go in on Tuesday July 10, 2012 to have them removed. We continue to pray for the Lord’s blessing and guidance in this situation.

Left expander is at 242 cc and right expander is at 259 cc

Downward View

Thirty Ninth Filling

No news to report, just pictures.

Left expander is at 237 cc and right expander is at 254 cc

Downward View

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thirty Eight Filling

The doctor was on vacation last week so we did not see him until today. He said everything looks good so far. We are getting prepared to put Solana on the surgery schedule to have the expanders removed. (The date has not been scheduled yet). He said that we currently have two times the amount of skin needed to cover her bald area BUT it is recommended that they have two and a half times the amount of skin needed for it to be successful. He said essentially if we did surgery right now we would cover “most of the area” but not all of it. That was really disappointing for us to hear, but we understand those are the facts. He suggested since things are going so well for her that we continue expanding at the current rate and hope we get to 2.5 the amount of skin needed and schedule her surgery for a few weeks from now. We agreed. So, that is currently where we are at. We are going to continue expanding at 5 cc per day and will pray the Lord will continue to bless Solana during this process. We are acutely aware that her progressing so well is not to our doing, but only because God is shining His grace on our family.

Left expander is at 230 cc and right expander is at 249 cc

                                                                  Downward View

Thirty Seventh Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

Left expander is at 225 cc and right expander is at 244 cc

                                                                 Downward View

Thirty Sixth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                    Left expander is at 220 cc and right expander is at 239 cc

                                                                Downward View

Thirty Fifth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

Left expander is at 215 cc and right expander is at 234 cc

                                                               Downward View

Thirty Fourth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                      Left expander is at 210 cc and right expander is at 229 cc

                                                                  Downward View

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Thirty Third Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

Left expander is at 205 cc and right is at 224 cc

Downward View

Thirty Second Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

Left expander at 200 cc and right expander is at 219 cc

                                                                Downward View

Thirty First Filling

The grafted skin line has started to become kind of dry looking; almost peeling like a light sunburn would, so I asked the doctor if we could put some lotion on the area to help. He obliged and we have been using the lotion daily for about a week now. I included a picture below. It is the same lotion we were given when they put her grafted skin on the first time.

Left expander is at 195 cc and the right expander is at 214 cc

Downward View

                                                     Lotion we use on the dry areas

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Thirtieth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                  Left expander at 190 cc and the right expander at 209 cc

                                                                 Downward View

Twenty Ninth Filling

No news to report; just pictures.

                                        Left expander at 185 cc and the right expander at 204 cc

                                                                       Downward View

Twenty Eighth Filling

We had our weekly doctor’s appointment yesterday. The doctor said Solana looks like the poster child for tissue expanders (meaning things look great). Only by God’s grace are things looking so well. My husband and I are so grateful. Her expanders/skin are tight so we’re officially approaching the end of this process. If we continue at this pace we should be at our goal in 3-4 weeks. The doctor said he doesn’t want her skin to be too tight when the expanders are removed so we are paying attention to that and he suggested we possibly skip a day each week, for a weekly total of 30 ml. So we skipped yesterday to give her a break and resumed today.

                                        Left expander at 180 cc and the right expander at 199 cc
                             (She started making silly faces when I take pictures of the expanders)

                                                                         Downward View