Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Expansion Process Started

Great news! The staples were removed and the doctor said the area looks good and we are ok to start the expansion process. At the appointment they taught us how to fill the expanders (she has external ports taped to her shoulders). We put 15ml into each expander. Our goal is to fill both to 300ml (a little larger than a Coke can) over a 6-8 week timeframe, which is 45ml a week equally 15ml three times a week. 

Thankfully the filling process is quite simple. My husband and I completed it with ease.  The only thing that concerns me is how Solana’s skin will respond to this. The doctor and I both agree that the right side, which has had all the complications, may not fill to our set goal. So, we will be watching this side quite closely. The first expansion went well. We will be adding another 15 ml tomorrow or the next day.   
With 15ml in each expander.

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