Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our First Setback

On her first follow up visit on April 9, 2012 they removed her stitches and we were advised a small part of the incision line did not close and heal. I got this pit in my stomach as soon as I heard this. Already we were being hit with more bad news! The doctor put in three staples in that area in hopes of it closing and healing. I continued to wash both incision lines and the tube portals in the back of her head. I communicated by email with the doctor for the two weeks we waited for our next follow up appointment. Things appeared to be looking well, but her hair started growing and it was hard for me to really see in that area. I felt like I was paralyzed with fear. I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep obsessing about what else could possibly go wrong. After several days of this I admitted this was not the way I wanted to live; I was worrying about things that may or may not happen and were not within my control! I have been practicing daily to do the best I can (keeping the areas clean and covered with antibiotic ointment) and surrendering the rest to God.  

The open area.

                                                          The staples.

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