Sunday, April 29, 2012

Third Filling

We performed the third filling last night. Things went well, other than my husband getting poked with a needle and realizing we ran out of a certain needle we need to extract saline from the bag. The medical supply company is supposed to deliver supplies tomorrow (Monday). Let’s hope they come through since Solana is due for another filling by than.

We originally filled both with 15ml but decided to pull out 5ml from the right expander. This is the side/expander that has had problems from the very beginning and we noticed a small crater like dent in her suture line that has slowly showed up this week so we decided to take it more slowly on this side. We are not sure what it is and it may be nothing, but we would rather be safe than sorry.

The right expander/suture line

                                          Expanders filled to 45ml (left) and 40 ml (right)

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